Mosul Hell

Over nine months, intense fighting destroyed Iraq’s third-largest city. Thousands of civilians were captured and killed in the narrow streets of Mosul’s old city, caught in the crossfire between ISIS and the Iraqi Army and its allies. Here, humanity is at once its most cruel and most merciful.

Mosul Hell

Over nine months, intense fighting destroyed Iraq’s third-largest city. Thousands of civilians were captured and killed in then arrow streets of Mosul’s old city, caught in the crossfire between ISIS and the Iraqi Army and its allies. Here, humanity is at once its most cruel and most merciful.


Mosul Hell

Over nine months, intense fighting destroyed Iraq’s third-largest city. Thousands of civilians were captured and killed in the narrow streets of Mosul’s old city, caught in the crossfire between ISIS and the Iraqi Army and its allies. Here, humanity is at once its most cruel and most merciful.